About this helpfile

The files in this help were created with Frontpage98 Editor. The pictures were edited and/or created with Photoshop 5. The files were compiled with the HTML Help Workshop to provide a .chm file.

DirectX, HTML Help Workshop, FrontPage, Windows 95,98 and Windows NT Microsoft Corporation

Photoshop Adobe Systems, Inc.

Amiga, Kickstart, Workbench and the Amiga Logo are  Amiga, Inc.

Amiga Forever Cloanto

All other brand-names are by their respective authors!


Thanks go to:


Found any mistakes in the file? Any comments? Feel free to write me!


NOTE: It took me a long time to create all this file, so if you want to use something out of the file, let me know!

This helpfile is 1999, 2000 by Georg Veichtlbauer and does not underlie the GPL!